Fays Ireland

Updated: 18 hours ago 6 Views
  • Business Name:Fays Ireland
  • Time in Business:2 Years
  • Current Status:
  • Partial Address:GALWAY

Full Report

Full Business Vitals, Business Owners, Activities and Document list.


Full Business Report

Buy the full business report which includes:

  • Business Owner Details
  • Business Type
  • Registered Date
  • Ceased date (where relevant)
  • Previous Names (where relevant)

Credit Score

  • Latest Credit Movement:Up
  • Date of Last Movement:15/05/2024
  • Latest Accounts Filed:14/12/2023
  • Report Based On Accounts:28/10/2023
  • Next Set of Accounts Due:28/10/2024
  • Overdue:No

Credit Report

  • Credit Report & Financials
  • Company Printout Report
  • Directors & Owners Report
  • Bad Debt Judgments Report
  • Mortgages Report

View a sample report


PLEASE NOTE: This Registered Business Name is owned by the company Fays Tourism Limited and the Credit Report information will pertain to this company.

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