Credit Checks On Companies
Success is easier with great data! You now truly have the risk profile of every company you work with at your fingertips. Plus every company in Ireland and the UK, that you've yet to work with. SoloCheck is Ireland's leading provider of official company, director and shareholder information along with the latest credit/risk ratings, bad debt judgments and insolvency notices on Irish and UK companies
Great Credit Reports = Less Bad Debts For Your Business

Protect your business from costly bad debts
Knowing more about the companies you deal with not only helps you avoid costly bad debts, it gives you a competitive advantage.
Enjoy quick, affordable and confidential checks on the background and risk levels of any business you have a transaction with.
At a glance view the latest financial filings of any customer, competitor or supplier.
of business failures are predicted on average six months in advance by SoloCheck.
Protect your business from costly bad debt loss by adjusting customer credit terms as their credit score slides or adverse documents are filed.
Receive red flag alerts as they happen on proceedings confident the data you are accessing is reliable. is used daily by thousands of business professionals across a wide range of industry sectors including Manufacturing, Wholesale, Accounting, Banking, Legal etc. to assist with their Background Checks, Due Diligence, and Credit Checking requirements for Irish and UK entities.