Kiernan Woodfinishing Limited
Kiernan Woodfinishing Limited was set up on Friday the 26th of April 2002. Their current partial address is Wicklow, and the company status is Liquidation. The company's current directors have been the director of 0 other Irish companies between them. This Irish company shares its Eircode with at least 1 other company.
![Ella advertisement](/imgs/ella-large-banner-solocheck-generic-01.png)
Company Vitals
- Company Name:Kiernan Woodfinishing Limited
- Time in Business:22 Years
- Company Number:356145
- Current Status:LIQUIDATION
- Principal Activity:[20.10] Sawmilling and Planing of Wood; Impregnation of Wood
- May Trade As:
- Registered Address:Unit 1 Blacklion Ind Est,
Greystones, Wicklow
A63 V658
Purchase either the Standard Company Report or a Credit Report to view details on the directors of this company.
Document | Pages | Effective | Received | Buy |
G2E-ORDINARY RESOLUTION | 1 | 06/01/2003 | 13/01/2003 | |
G2 ORDINARY RESOLUTION | 2 | 06/01/2003 | 13/01/2003 | |
B10 CHANGE IN DIRECTORS/SECRETARY | 4 | 26/04/2002 | 07/05/2002 | |
Migrated Certificate | 1 | null | 10/04/2002 | |
COMPANY CONSTITUTION | 17 | null | 10/04/2002 |