Effective Risk Assessment Is Now Crucial
SoloCheck.ie Credit Reports provide you with some of the most highly predictive Credit Scores in Ireland. This Scoring model successfully predicted over 80% of all business failures in 2019.
SoloCheck Credit Reports use the very latest technology along with the key critical risk factors facing Irish businesses today, to continually monitor and evaluate every score every day.
At a time when a single bad debt could cost your company thousands, our Credit Reports will give you the confidence to make better business and credit decisions from just €9 .
Protecting Your Business - Why Our Credit Reports?
This model has successfully predicted over 80% of all business failures in 2019! So why is it so effective...
This is the latest and most Up-to-date Credit Scoring Model in Ireland.
SoloCheck.ie Credit Reports specifically cater for assessing risk in the downturn while balancing the need to conduct business.
Unlike any other model in the market, this was built considering today's critical risk factors using hard economic facts resulting in a highly predictive score.
SoloCheck.ie Credit Reports are based exclusively on the Irish economy, unlike many others which are imported from UK, and simply applied to Irish companies.
Continual Performance Scoring - Every Credit Score is reviewed every day to check for any new data which may affect the score. This ensures that we will keep the Credit Score live and alert you should there be any change.
SoloCheck.ie Credit Reports use the innovative new technology, to interpret key factors both financial and non-financial which we have found to be predictive in assessing business risk.
Easy to Follow - The simple traffic light on each report offers a top level credit score at a glance, along with analysts observations and key ratios to offer the most comprehensive credit decision you can get.
Don't take our word for it - Why not try it today? Try It For Yourself »